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MJS Criminal Defence Lawyers

Criminal Law news & updates from our expert criminal defence lawyers

New Scottish Sentencing Council Comes into Effect

A new Scottish Sentencing Council has come into force as of today with the independent body being responsible for preparing guidelines to ensure a consistent approach to sentencing throughout the country.

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Crime in Glasgow Falling Faster Than National Average

A new study has revealed that crime rates in Glasgow are falling faster than rates seen in the rest of the country. 

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Assaults on Scotland’s Paramedics Up 25%

The number of assaults on Scotland’s paramedics has gone up by more than a quarter since 2005, with 2014s figures reaching a ten year high according to figures from STV. 

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Dozens of Weapons Seized in Schools

Police Scotland seized almost 50 knives and over 180 weapons in the last four academic years from pupils in and around Glasgow. 

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Hate Figures in Football Drop

The number of people charged under The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act has fallen in the last year according to official statistics. 

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Fewer Criminal Histories to be Disclosed

Fewer criminals will have to inform potential employers about their criminal past under new measures set to be introduced by Scottish ministers to help them in their rehabilitation. 

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One Year Old Stopped in Stop-and-Search

Almost 20,000 people were stopped and searched by police in 2014, with a one-year-old being stopped in North Ayrshire as part of police strategic tactics to prevent crime.

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More than 1,200 Under-10s Carry Out Crime

New figures have shown that more than 1,200 youngsters under the age of 10 were detected in Scotland in the last two years. 

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Changes to Scots Law Criticised By Experts

Changes to Scots law that could see individuals being convicted without the corroboration of any evidence has been criticised by legal experts. 

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2501 Hits

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Dunfermline 01383 730 466
Kirkcaldy 01592 640 680

What do MJS Criminal Defence Lawyers have to offer you?

  • Specialists in criminal defence law
  • Registered to give legal aid
  • 24 hour contact, 7 days a week
  • One point of contact throughout case
  • Solicitor advocates available
  • Free initial consultation
  • Client focussed service