New figures have shown that more than 1,200 youngsters under the age of 10 were detected in Scotland in the last two years.
Despite the vast majority of crimes coming in the form of vandalism and crimes of dishonesty such as theft, the figures, which came from a Freedom of Information Act, also found that a worrying 11 of the crimes were related to violence with 19 involving indecency.
Represented a Drop in Crime
1,211 youngsters carried out crimes in Scotland, with the unreported number expected to be higher. Despite the high number, the figures represented a drop in crime for under 10s.
Vandalism represented the most common crime committed, and in Glasgow the number fell from 174 cases in 2012/13 to 97 in 2013/14, with crimes such as stealing also dropping from 43 to 36.
"Dead-End Future"
The Party's Justice spokeswoman, Margaret Mitchell, said: " These figures are clearly alarming and should be a cause for concern right across society.
"Experience shows that when an individual goes down that path it is very difficult to turn back.
"Quite simply if these youngsters aren't dissuaded from criminal activity they face a dismal dead-end future."
The figures represent on average, 12 children a week detected of committing a crime in Scotland.
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