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MJS Criminal Defence Lawyers

Criminal Law news & updates from our expert criminal defence lawyers

Concern Over Abolition of Stop-and-Search in Scotland

The former First Minister, Alex Salmond, has expressed concern over proposed changes to stop-and-search in Scotland during a debate in the Scottish Parliament. 

MSPs have approved new legislation that aims to introduce a statutory code for the use of stop and search, however, Mr Salmond said he wanted to see more analysis of how knife crime could be affected. The decision to have a code regarding stop and search came after a report from John Scott QC found that ending the searches would not prevent officers carrying out their duties effectively.

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Scottish Knife Punishment Lags Behind Rest of the UK

An anti-crime campaigner from one of Scotland’s largest anti-knife groups has stated that the law and punishment for offenders in Scotland lags behind England and the rest of the UK.

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Dozens of Weapons Seized in Schools

Police Scotland seized almost 50 knives and over 180 weapons in the last four academic years from pupils in and around Glasgow. 

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