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Dozens of Weapons Seized in Schools

Police Scotland seized almost 50 knives and over 180 weapons in the last four academic years from pupils in and around Glasgow. 

In the last four years the number of children carrying knives has increased in Scottish schools, with six weapon carrying incidents, including a stabbing of a pupil, reported to Police Scotland in the last year alone.  

Knife Crime in Scotland

Although knife crime in Scotland has decreased by 10% between 2012 and 2014, a spokeswoman for the Scottish government stated that “one knife crime is one too many.” 

Sergeant Caroline Harden from the Safer Communities Unit said: "There is never an excuse for carrying a weapon and we will continue to work tirelessly with all of our partners, including the Violence Reduction Unit, to change the culture in which some people think that carrying a weapon is acceptable.

“Police Scotland continues to regularly engage with young people on the dangers of weapons carrying.

“We regularly promote this hard-hitting material at community events and to youth and school groups across Greater Glasgow’s three Council areas."

Knife Crime Across the UK

The news comes in the same week that the UK government announced that in England and Wales, anyone with one knife offence that they run the risk of going to jail if they are caught carrying a weapon under the new “two strikes” rule. 

Under a new law that came into effect last week, adults convicted of possessing a knife more than once will face at least six months in jail, with the maximum term being four years. 

Scotland currently operates a no tolerance policy towards knives. 

Contact Us

If you have been accused of a criminal offence or been charged with carrying a knife, contact our team of criminal defence lawyers today using our online contact form


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