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MJS Criminal Defence Lawyers

Criminal Law news & updates from our expert criminal defence lawyers

Scottish Councils set to Switch off CCTV Cameras in Money Saving Effort

Scotland is set to lose a large proportion of its CCTV coverage after plans to switch cameras off across the country have been revealed.

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The Number of Online Sex Crimes Committed in Scotland has Soared in the Last 3 Years

New research has found that the number of sexual cyber crimes which are recorded by police has increased dramatically over the last 3 years.

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Tougher Punishments for Young People Filming Knife Crime

In this age of social media, new sentencing guidelines are being drafted to enforce tougher punishments on young people who film instances of knife crime and upload them to online platforms in England &Wales. Within gangs, this has become an increasingly popular method of humiliating victims and asserting dominance - something that the law is attempting to crack down on. This is only one of a number of ‘aggravating factors’ for judges and magistrates to consider when sentencing defendants convicted of possessing a blade or offensive weapon in public, or making threats.

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Police Make Over 2000 Arrests During “Serious Crime” Clampdown

More than 2100 arrests were made during 2015 as part of a clampdown against serious and organised criminal activity

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Police Targeting Major Crime on Scotland's Motorways

Police Scotland have seized more than £1 million in drugs, cash and stolen goods in the last year on a major road in Dumfries and Galloway.

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Campaign Launched to Stop Children Receiving Criminal Record

The Law Society of Scotland is calling for the age of criminality in Scotland to be upped from eight to 12 to coincide with UN regulations. 

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Hate Figures in Football Drop

The number of people charged under The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act has fallen in the last year according to official statistics. 

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Proposals For Corroboration to End Postponed

The Scottish government has dropped proposals to end corroboration in criminal cases in Scotland.

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Edinburgh Postcode Hotspot for Robberies in Scotland

An area of Edinburgh has been found to be the worst area for robberies in Scotland following analysis from over 2.7 million homes.

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Scotland Sets New Laws on Social Media Crime

The Scottish Crown Office has laid down the law when it comes to social media by producing guidelines to clarify what counts as a criminal offence through the media platform, with a warning that crimes on social media are taken as seriously as those offline.

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Airgun Law to Fall Short on Tackling Criminal Misuse?

The new legislation licensing airguns will fall short in tackling the criminal misuse of the weapons according to a spokesman from the Scottish Police. 

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1964 Hits

Police Officer to be Jailed for Sex Attack


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Widow Secures £1.5 million Damages After Husband’s Murder

A widow has secured a £1.5 million settlement following her husband's murder at the hands of her brother in law. 

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UK Government Paper Reveals No Link Between Tough Laws & Illegal Drug Use Levels

A Government report has revealed data that suggests there is no obvious link between tough laws on personal possession and levels of illegal drug use.

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1979 Hits

Scotland Passes New Act to Combat Forced Marriage

On the 30th September 2014 the Scottish Parliament passed the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, which makes it illegal to use threats or coercion to attempt to force someone into marriage. MSP’s passed the Westminster legislation on the issue after it was enacted in England Wales in June. 

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  1977 Hits
1977 Hits

Getting Away With Murder? - The Oscar Pistorius Trial

A South African Judge determined that Oscar Pistorius was not guilty of premeditated murder, after firing four fatal shots into his bathroom with his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp inside. The judge had to decide between “dollus eventualis” (common murder), culpable homicide or acquittal after clearing Pistorius of the premeditated murder charge.

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Glasgow Sheriff Court Struggles with Number of Domestic Abuse Cases

Glasgow Sheriff Court is under strain from the sheer number of domestic abuse cases coming through the courts. The ‘busiest court in Europe’ currently has a backlog of 1300 domestic abuse cases, with victims waiting up to 19 weeks to have their case heard. The Scottish Court Service however, belives this to be an improvement – it was previously 22 weeks.Domestic abuse cases currently represent around 25 percent of all summary cases coming through the court an din order to relieve the mounting number of cases, additional ‘daily trial courts’ will be held by senior prosecutors next month. 

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Pilot Project of Clare’s Law to be Introduced in Aberdeen and Ayrshire

The law which will allow police to disclose details as to whether an individual has a history of violence known as “Clare’s Law’ is to be introduced in Aberdeen and Ayrshire.

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1997 Hits

Scottish Drivers Committing More Than 40 Serious Offences Per Day

New figures reveal Scottish motorists are suspected of committing 40 or more serious road traffic offences each day.

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Andy Coulsoun to Face Perjury Charges

Former editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson has formally been charged with three counts of perjury at a hearing in the High Court in Glasgow.

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