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Man Charged Over Near Miss on A9

A man has been charged following a “near miss” being caught on camera on the A9.

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Scots Human Trafficking Law To Offer Protection From Forced Crimes

A new law is being debated in the Scottish Parliament, which offers victims of sexual trafficking protection if they are prosecuted for committing crimes they were forced to do. 

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One Year Old Stopped in Stop-and-Search

Almost 20,000 people were stopped and searched by police in 2014, with a one-year-old being stopped in North Ayrshire as part of police strategic tactics to prevent crime.

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Police Officers Accused of Criminal Offences

Police Officers across Scotland have been suspended or have duties restricted following allegations of rape, stalking and sexual assault.

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Scottish Rugby Star Guilty of Assault

Scottish International, Ryan Wilson, has been found guilty of assaulting two men in Glasgow’s West End.

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Scottish Surveillance Figures Down

Figures obtained on the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act (Ripsa) have shown that there has been a decline in the use of surveillance powers in Scotland. 

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Edinburgh Postcode Hotspot for Robberies in Scotland

An area of Edinburgh has been found to be the worst area for robberies in Scotland following analysis from over 2.7 million homes.

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Hate Crime Against Jews Up 300% in Scotland

According to a Jewish leaders in Scotland the number of anti-semitic hate crimes has risen by 300%.

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More than 1,200 Under-10s Carry Out Crime

New figures have shown that more than 1,200 youngsters under the age of 10 were detected in Scotland in the last two years. 

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27% Decrease in Drink Driving in Scotland


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Merry Christmas

On behalf of everyone at Martin Johnston and Socha, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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  2018 Hits
2018 Hits

Scottish Court Delays Punishing Victims

Cutbacks and a lack of resources are punishing victims who are having to wait longer for cases of domestic and sexual abuse to be concluded due to a lack of spending according to critics.

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Scotland Sets New Laws on Social Media Crime

The Scottish Crown Office has laid down the law when it comes to social media by producing guidelines to clarify what counts as a criminal offence through the media platform, with a warning that crimes on social media are taken as seriously as those offline.

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Changes to Scots Law Criticised By Experts

Changes to Scots law that could see individuals being convicted without the corroboration of any evidence has been criticised by legal experts. 

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Airgun Law to Fall Short on Tackling Criminal Misuse?

The new legislation licensing airguns will fall short in tackling the criminal misuse of the weapons according to a spokesman from the Scottish Police. 

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Scottish Crime Recording “Good” According to Independent Crime Audit

Police Scotland have received praise from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) as figures revealed that the quality of most crime recording was "good" according to the Crime Audit 2014.

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1745 Hits

Police Officer to be Jailed for Sex Attack


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Widow Secures £1.5 million Damages After Husband’s Murder

A widow has secured a £1.5 million settlement following her husband's murder at the hands of her brother in law. 

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UK Government Paper Reveals No Link Between Tough Laws & Illegal Drug Use Levels

A Government report has revealed data that suggests there is no obvious link between tough laws on personal possession and levels of illegal drug use.

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Pistorius Trial: South African v Scottish Sentencing

On Tuesday 21st October 2014 Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to five years in jail for manslaughter by Judge Thokozile Masipa in Pretoria’s High Court. The duration of this sentence and its putative effect has seen much discussion in the media.

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2121 Hits

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