According to a Jewish leaders in Scotland the number of anti-semitic hate crimes has risen by 300%.
Following the events at Charlie Hebdo, which saw an attack on a Jewish supermarket, the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities said that there were over 50 incidents between July and September 2014, in comparison to the 12 recorded in the previous year.
The council's director, Ephraim Borowski said: "Anti-semitism is a hate crime, and hate crime is hatred of a characteristic or group, so it makes every member of that group feel vulnerable and alienated."
UK Redoubling Effort
The worrying statistics come following comments from the UK Home Secretary on the importance of tackling anti-semitism in the UK. Theresa May called for efforts to stamp out to be “redoubled.
She said: "I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom would say they were fearful of remaining here in the United Kingdom."
May’s comments came following a warning from Scotland Yard assistant commissioner Mark Rowley who spoke of a "heightened concern" amongst police officer regarding attacks against Jews.
“Rising Tide”
Campaign against anti-semitism chairman Gideon Falter said: “The rising tide of anti-semitism in Britain is a shocking wake up call.
“We have been working with the Government for zero-tolerance law enforcement against anti-Semitic hate crime and we applaud the Home Secretary's determination to ensure that the authorities deliver.”
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