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Tightening Access to Air Weapons

New legislation to tighten access to air weapons in Scotland has been announced by the Scottish Government. It is estimated that there are currently around half a million unlicensed air weapons in the country.

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2034 Hits

Charity Focuses on Drink and Drug Driving

Road safety charity Brake has recently turned its attention to the issue of at-work drink and drug driving, after a recent survey found that fewer than half (44%) of employers would dismiss an employee for driving over the legal alcohol limit.

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2078 Hits

Tougher sentences for banned drivers

Longer jail sentences for drivers who cause death or serious injury on the roads when they've been banned from driving are to be introduced by the UK Government.

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Steep rise in fraud attempts for financial services products

There has been a significant rise in detected and prevented fraud attempts in the second half of 2013, as financial services providers push forward in the fight against credit application fraud.

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2511 Hits

Drivers continue to use phones at the wheel

Using hand-held mobile phones while driving has been illegal for over ten years, and now road safety charity Brake has renewed its call to ban hands-free kits as well. The call comes as a recent survey revealed that almost half (45%) of drivers admit to chatting when driving.

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2318 Hits

Man sentenced for roller skate stunt

A 25-year-old man has received a suspended prison sentence after allegedly allowing himself to be towed on roller skates by a car at speeds of up to 70mph, reports the Telegraph.

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Proposals on ending automatic early release under scrutiny

The Justice Committee has recently published a call for evidence, seeking views on Scottish Government proposals to end automatic early release for some categories of prisoner.

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2190 Hits

Offensive chants and singing result in FBO

Earlier this week a Glasgow man was fined £500 and had a 9 month Football Banning Order (FBO) imposed for an incident at a Premier League match on 29th September 2012 at Fir Park Stadium in Motherwell.

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2190 Hits

Over £130,000 confiscated in single day

Earlier this week, confiscation orders totalling over £130,000 were made against offenders in three separate cases in one day.

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3123 Hits

Three personal thefts every minute in Britain

New research, released last week by insurer LV=, has revealed that three ’personal’ thefts occur every minute in Britain.

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3080 Hits

Number of crimes keeps falling

The number of crimes committed in Scotland has fallen by 22% since 2008-09, according to the latest Scottish Government figures. 

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2095 Hits

Defaulters warned of consequences of failure to pay fines

The Scottish Court Service (SCS) has been using its enforcement powers for non-payment of fines, with one Midlothian man jailed for non-payment recently while a Motherwell man was arrested as he attempted to board a flight to Sweden.

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2053 Hits

£45,000 confiscated from illegal money lender

A Confiscation Order for £45,000 was granted earlier this week against a Motherwell man who had been convicted of illegal money lending.

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2615 Hits

Man sentenced for pre-match trouble

Earlier this week, at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, a Fife man was fined £400 and had a 18 month Football Banning Order imposed in connection with an incident with rival fans before a match between Raith Rovers and Dunfermline Athletic.

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  2015 Hits
2015 Hits

Group to examine corroboration safeguards

As the debate over the abolition of the requirement for corroboration in criminal trials continues to divide opinion, a senior judge has been appointed to consider what additional safeguards would be required in the event that corroboration is abolished.

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1942 Hits

Fife mother admits fraud

The mother of two terminally ill children has pled guilty to defrauding NHS Fife of £38,019, according to the BBC.

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2988 Hits

Provisional licence holder banned after car crash

A Hamilton man has been banned from driving after being involved in a car crash at a time when he did not hold a full driving licence, reports the BBC.

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3512 Hits

Stop and search statistics

Police Scotland have announced that despite a small decrease (0.2%) in the number of stop and searches carried out from April to December last year, there has been a marked increase in the number of positive results, up from 13.9% to 19.7%.

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2057 Hits

Over £17,000 confiscated from cannabis grower

Earlier this week a confiscation order for £17,149 was made against a Cambuslang man previously found guilty of growing cannabis.

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2260 Hits

Fife man sentenced for football related assault

A Fife man was recently sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court following his conviction for assault in October 2013.

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2238 Hits

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