The number of Scotland’s motorists who were over the drink driving limit has fallen by 27% since the drink driving legislation changed on December 5th as the Police clamped down on road traffic offences.
The new limits, which saw Scotland’s limit fall from 80mg per 100ml of blood to 50mg resulted in a huge media campaign, and according to latest figures, drivers have heeded the warning which has resulted in a decrease in the number of people driving under the influence.
Over 13,000 Breathalysed
According to the report, over 13,000 drivers were breathalysed over the festive period, with 255 being over the influence, down from 248 in the same period in 2013.
Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins, of Police Scotland, said: “It’s heartening to see a reduction in the total numbers of drivers who are drinking before getting behind the wheel, the fact 255 people have still chosen to do so, and in doing so put themselves and other needlessly at risk, is still unacceptable.
“There is no doubt the new limit, and what it means, is challenging a lot of people and we shall continue our efforts throughout the season and beyond to make sure we reinforce the ‘don’t risk it’ message, prevent deaths and collisions and make our roads safer.”
Campaigners also praised the results with the new limit undoubtedly resulting in people no longer willing to risk drinking and driving. Some have taken to call for a similar limit to come into effect across the rest of the UK.
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