There is growing public demand for more action to tackle drink driving across the UK, a new survey by road safety charity Brake and Direct Line has revealed.
There is growing public demand for more action to tackle drink driving across the UK, a new survey by road safety charity Brake and Direct Line has revealed.
There has been an increase of around five million in the number of counterfeit items seized by customs authorities across the EU in 2015, according to new figures by the European Commission.
A consultation exercise over proposals to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Scotland closed on the 17th June.
New legal measures designed to tackle human trafficking and improve support for victims came into force in Scotland on 31st May 2016.
Police Scotland statistics has revealed that crime in Scotland has reached a 41-year-low with crimes being at their lowest level since 1974.
Overseas drivers have escaped 23,295 speeding offences since January 2013, the equivalent of £2.3 million worth of speeding tickets, according to road safety charity, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM).
A South African Judge determined that Oscar Pistorius was not guilty of premeditated murder, after firing four fatal shots into his bathroom with his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp inside. The judge had to decide between “dollus eventualis” (common murder), culpable homicide or acquittal after clearing Pistorius of the premeditated murder charge.
Glasgow Sheriff Court is under strain from the sheer number of domestic abuse cases coming through the courts. The ‘busiest court in Europe’ currently has a backlog of 1300 domestic abuse cases, with victims waiting up to 19 weeks to have their case heard. The Scottish Court Service however, belives this to be an improvement – it was previously 22 weeks.Domestic abuse cases currently represent around 25 percent of all summary cases coming through the court an din order to relieve the mounting number of cases, additional ‘daily trial courts’ will be held by senior prosecutors next month.
Former editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson has formally been charged with three counts of perjury at a hearing in the High Court in Glasgow.
The Justice Committee has recently published a call for evidence, seeking views on Scottish Government proposals to end automatic early release for some categories of prisoner.
Earlier this week a Glasgow man was fined £500 and had a 9 month Football Banning Order (FBO) imposed for an incident at a Premier League match on 29th September 2012 at Fir Park Stadium in Motherwell.
Last week a Dundee man became the first in the city to have his car clamped for non-payment of a fine, according to Scottish Court Services (SCS).
One of Scotland’s most respected judges has said that he will be “very sad” to see the requirement for corroboration in criminal cases abolished, reports the BBC.
Figures released by the European Commission have shown that in the EU as a whole, more than one thousand people are victims of homicide by firearms each year, and half a million firearms that have been registered as lost or stolen in the EU remain unaccounted for.