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Overseas Drivers Escape Speeding Offences

Overseas drivers have escaped 23,295 speeding offences since January 2013, the equivalent of £2.3 million worth of speeding tickets, according to road safety charity, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM).

The figures were revealed following a freedom of information request to police authorities, which asked how many overseas motorists had been caught by speed cameras across England and Wales. As foreign vehicles are not registered with the DVLA these speeding offences are not pursued.

The highest number of overseas speeding offences were:

- Thames Valley, with a reported 3,580 offences and the highest speed recording of 102mph in a 70mph zone
- Merseyside, with a reported 2,477 offences and the highest speed recording of 87mph in a 70mph zone
- Warwickshire, with a reported 2,152 offences – no highest speed recorded

 The top recorded speeds came in from:

- Kent on the M25 with the highest speed of 111mph in a 70mph zone
- Surrey on the A3 Hook Road with the highest speed of 109mph in a 50mph zone
- Thames Valley, leading to Aston Clinton with the highest speed of 102mph in a 70mph zone

“The high numbers of overseas speeders on our roads show how important it is that the UK joins up with the rest of Europe to harmonise motoring offences and give the police extra powers to pursue dangerous drivers,” commented IAM’s director of policy and research, Neil Greig.

“Progress on this issue has been very slow and in the meantime thousands of drivers are avoiding fines and bans simply because their cars cannot be easily traced,” he added.

Contact our Criminal Solicitors in Fife

If you require specialist criminal defence advice on motoring offences or any other matter, give us a call on 01383 730466 (Dunfermline) or 01592 640680 (Kirkcaldy) or contact us online here.


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