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MJS Criminal Defence Lawyers

Criminal Law news & updates from our expert criminal defence lawyers

Offensive chants and singing result in FBO

Earlier this week a Glasgow man was fined £500 and had a 9 month Football Banning Order (FBO) imposed for an incident at a Premier League match on 29th September 2012 at Fir Park Stadium in Motherwell.

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  2244 Hits
2244 Hits

Man sentenced for pre-match trouble

Earlier this week, at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, a Fife man was fined £400 and had a 18 month Football Banning Order imposed in connection with an incident with rival fans before a match between Raith Rovers and Dunfermline Athletic.

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  2078 Hits
2078 Hits

FBO imposed after trouble in city bar

Earlier this month a man was sentenced to five months’ imprisonment and a two-year Football Banning Order at the Sheriff Court at Glasgow, after trouble flared at a city bar on Renfield Street where the England v Scotland football match was being televised.

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2465 Hits

Five year FBO for sectarian singing

A man was fined £350 and had a five year Football Banning Order (FBO) imposed earlier this week for shouting an offensive sectarian remark during a recent Hearts v Celtic fixture. It is the latest in a series of cases in which FBOs have been imposed.

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2869 Hits

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