One in six (17%) female motorists thought they might have driven whilst over the legal limit in the past year, according to new research from Direct Line Car Insurance and Rees Jeffreys Road Fund.
One in six (17%) female motorists thought they might have driven whilst over the legal limit in the past year, according to new research from Direct Line Car Insurance and Rees Jeffreys Road Fund.
Malcolm Webster, who murdered his first wife by staging a car accident and attempted to murder his second wife in the same way, is further appealing his life sentence claiming that he is the victim of a miscarriage of justice.
Glasgow Sheriff Court is under strain from the sheer number of domestic abuse cases coming through the courts. The ‘busiest court in Europe’ currently has a backlog of 1300 domestic abuse cases, with victims waiting up to 19 weeks to have their case heard. The Scottish Court Service however, belives this to be an improvement – it was previously 22 weeks.Domestic abuse cases currently represent around 25 percent of all summary cases coming through the court an din order to relieve the mounting number of cases, additional ‘daily trial courts’ will be held by senior prosecutors next month.
The law which will allow police to disclose details as to whether an individual has a history of violence known as “Clare’s Law’ is to be introduced in Aberdeen and Ayrshire.
New figures reveal Scottish motorists are suspected of committing 40 or more serious road traffic offences each day.
Former editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson has formally been charged with three counts of perjury at a hearing in the High Court in Glasgow.
Police in County Durham are currently searching for a man who left a fairytale calling card on Sunday night after attempting to steal cider from a local shop.
The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) have discovered that the rate of searches carried out by Police Scotland, per 10,000 people is nearly nine times higher than that carried out in in the New York Police Department (NYPD)
Emergency legislation which allows telecoms companies to retain customer information to be passed at Westminster raises substantial concerns, the Law Society of Scotland has said.
Six new sheriffs have been appointed across Scotland.
Police Scotland have published information detailing the numbers of crimes committed in different areas of Scotland.
The information, gathered from policing management data systems, is not official recorded crime statistics but indicates that:
There has been an increase in the number of sexual crimes, including rape, reported to the police, according to a recent report from Police Scotland.
A recent report from the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service has revealed the number of hate crimes that took place in Scotland in 2013-14.
Perpetrators of serious and organised crime are to be hit harder and faster in the pocket under plans recently unveiled by the UK and Scottish Governments.
The 2014 Summer Drink Drive campaign has been launched by Police Scotland and the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, supported by Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland.
A freedom of information request submitted to the police from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has revealed that a motorist traveling at 149mph on the M25 at Swanley holds the record for the highest speed clocked by a speed camera in England and Wales between April 2013 and May 2014.
New legislation to tighten access to air weapons in Scotland has been announced by the Scottish Government. It is estimated that there are currently around half a million unlicensed air weapons in the country.
Road safety charity Brake has recently turned its attention to the issue of at-work drink and drug driving, after a recent survey found that fewer than half (44%) of employers would dismiss an employee for driving over the legal alcohol limit.
Longer jail sentences for drivers who cause death or serious injury on the roads when they've been banned from driving are to be introduced by the UK Government.
There has been a significant rise in detected and prevented fraud attempts in the second half of 2013, as financial services providers push forward in the fight against credit application fraud.