The 2014 Summer Drink Drive campaign has been launched by Police Scotland and the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, supported by Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland.
With a driver stopped by police on average every two minutes on Scotland’s roads, the message throughout the summer is not to drink anything at all before driving. The risk of being caught is higher than ever, says the Scottish Government.
Figures show that approximately one in eight deaths on Scottish roads involve drivers who are over the legal limit, and research shows that even just one alcoholic drink before driving makes you three times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident. Drivers are being urged that it’s better to be safe than sorry - don’t drink at all before getting behind the wheel.
If a driver is convicted of driving or attempting to drive whilst above the legal alcohol limit, or being impaired by alcohol or drugs, or failing to provide a specimen of breath for analysis or a specimen of blood or urine for a laboratory test, he or she can expect:
- Automatic loss of licence - a 12 month driving ban
- A criminal record - for a minimum of 20 years
- A risk of being fined up to £5,000
- A risk of being imprisoned for up to six months
- An increased risk of losing their vehicle
Superintendent Iain Murray, Head of Road Policing at Police Scotland, said:
“Police Scotland are committed to enforcing road safety and will be conducting patrols throughout the summer in a bid to reduce the number of motorists who decide to drink or take drugs and then get behind the wheel.”
If you require specialist criminal defence advice on drink driving charges or any other matter, give us a call on 01383 730466 (Dunfermline) or 01592 640680 (Kirkcaldy) or contact us online here.