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One in Six Women Drivers Admit to Drink Driving

One in six (17%) female motorists thought they might have driven whilst over the legal limit in the past year, according to new research from Direct Line Car Insurance and Rees Jeffreys Road Fund.

The report also highlights the growing proportion of all drink driving convictions received by women, which has risen from 9% in 1998 to 17% in 2012.

The study reveals a concerning lack of awareness amongst women drivers about the amount of alcohol that can legally be consumed before taking to the road.

Overall, more than half said they did not know the legal limit, and apart from those who did not drink and drive, other respondents felt that they were personally able to drink more alcohol than the ‘average woman’ could before they themselves were over the legal limit.

Amongst the women who admitted to drink driving, the most common reason for doing so was because they felt physically ‘okay’ to drive, as cited by 59%. Almost a third thought it would be okay if they just drove carefully.

Around 17% felt they had no alternative other than to drink and drive, often due to ‘family emergencies’, which demonstrates women who drink and drive can be more likely to do so because of their family role compared to men. A further 14% say they drove whilst over the limit because they thought there was little risk of being caught.

Contact our Criminal Solicitors in Fife

If you require specialist criminal defence advice on drink driving charges or any other matter, give us a call on 01383 730466 (Dunfermline) or 01592 640680 (Kirkcaldy) or contact us online here.

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