According to UN statistics, Scotland is the assault capital of the world with the nation leading the way in violent crimes.
The statistics revealed that you are more likely to be the victim of a violent crime in Scotland than in any other nation, beating out notorious countries like Colombia and El Salvador.
Study Findings
The survey, which comes from The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes claims that Scotland is the world leading location for attacks resulting in “serious bodily injury” with almost 1,200 people per 100,000 were assaulted in 2013.
The figure coming from Scotland’s crime statistics were double the amount of violent crimes in England and seven times higher than the rest of the world.
Although the figures were used by opposition as a criticism of the Scottish Government, the government refuted the claims based on the way that crimes are assessed in Scotland in comparison to the rest of the world.
A Scottish government spokesman said: “It is wrong to make cross-country comparisons using these statistics because of the different ways offences are defined, and the different ways of counting and recording crimes and offences across the world.”
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If you have been accused of carrying out an assault or any other criminal action and require criminal defence, our team of solicitors can help. For advice or representation contact our team of solicitors using our online contact form.