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Lowering Scotland Drink Driving Has No Effect on Criminal Offences

According to the recent statistics lowering the drink driving limit in Scotland has had a minimal effect on the number of criminal offences. 

The figures, which came from Police Scotland, showed that there was a minimal decrease in the number of drink driving offences with 1,337 offences relating to drink and drug driving, in comparison to 1,388 in the same period last year, prior to the lower limit being introduced.

New Drink Driving Limit

Under the new drink-driving measures, the legal alcohol limit for Scottish motorists dropped from 80mg to 50mg in every 100ml of blood. A large government campaign and notices warned drivers that the best way to be safe was to have “no alcohol at all” and to avoid planning car journeys for the morning after a night drinking in order to stay in the limit. 

Police had expected to catch at least a third more drink drivers with such a claim being one of the main catalysts for changing the limit. Due to the high-profile nature of the campaign, many people have taken the advice and are planning their routes and not drinking before driving with the Scottish Government stating that the lack of a sudden spike in drink-drive offences proved that people’s behaviour had changed. Many people criticised the law saying that it has a detrimental effect on the Scottish economy and pub trade. 

Superintendent Fraser Candlish, of Police Scotland’s road policing division, said the new limit had proved to be a “good deterrent”. He added: “It is still unacceptable that a minority chose to ignore all the advice and warnings and get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. They are not just risking their lives but also those of other road users and pedestrians.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “It is extremely encouraging to see that the number of drink driving offences fell in the first quarter since the lower limit came into force in Scotland. 

“We are determined to end the tragedy of deaths caused by drink driving, and if this new law saves one life, then it will be a success..”

Contact Us

If you have been accused or arrested on the grounds of drink driving, or if you require any support or advice regarding any aspect of criminal law, contact us today using our online contact form

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