A recent campaign by Police Scotland to clamp down on speeding drivers led to around 2,100 drivers being reported for motoring offences and over 1,000 being warned about their driving.
The week-long campaign was conducted between 7th and 14th March and resulted in police officers detecting 2,081 speeding incidences. In addition, 897 drivers were recorded driving over the speed limit by safety camera units.
According to Police Scotland, the speeding offences detected included:
- A driver on the A90 travelling at 104mph
- A car travelling at 58mph in Perth in a 30mph limit area
- A vehicle travelling at 89mph in a 50mph section of the M74
As a result of the campaign, police also reported 21 people for dangerous driving, and issued 47 reports and 96 warnings for careless driving.
“Hopefully those people we have warned and those who have been reported will take the time to reflect on how they were driving and change their behaviour at the wheel as a moment of carelessness can have a devastating impact on a number of lives,” commented Head of Road Policing Chief Superintendent Andy Edmonston.
“Communities tell us speeding is something we should be helping prevent – this campaign was an example of Police Scotland doing just that as we strive to achieve the Scottish Government’s 2020 casualty reduction targets,” he added.
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