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Police Scotland Solving Fewer Crimes

Despite hiring more officers than ever, Police Scotland is solving fewer crimes, according to the latest criminal stats. 

Reform Scotland said the number of crimes being cleared up had fallen from 198,985 in 2006-2007, to 139,306 in 2013-2014. During the same period, the number of police officers rose by more than 1,500. 

Despite this, the Scottish government insisted that the number of crimes had fallen and that the percentage of clear up of certain areas had improved. 

Police Figures

Although the Scottish government has defended the latest statistics, figures from Reform shows that Scottish police officers are now solving eight crimes a year rather than the twelve seen in the previous year. 

Reform Scotland Research Director Alison Payne said: "The figures speak for themselves. The number of police officers has increased yet fewer crimes are being solved.

"It has been suggested that police officers have to carry out duties previously carried out by civilian staff, which would certainly help explain this situation. After all, it is not just the number of police officers that is important, but how they are deployed.

"As a result we would urge the Scottish Government to review the 1,000 extra officers pledge to ensure that the policy is delivering value for taxpayers' money. Staff deployment should be an operational, as opposed to a political, decision."

Figures Defended by the Government

Despite these claims, unions have stated that the rise in the number of police officers has been due to police officers now carrying out tasks that were previously done by civilians. 

A spokesperson said: "The claims this report makes are wrong. The clear up rate for all recorded crimes increased by 1% to 52% in 2013-14, the highest recorded since 1976, the first year for which comparable records are available.

"Police officers and staff are doing an excellent job out in our communities keeping people safe from harm and crime in Scotland is currently at a 40 year low. This report fails to recognise the important role of policing, and the 1000 extra officers, in preventing crime, reducing threats and, crucially, providing public reassurance to ensure people feel safer in their communities.

"It also fails to recognise that with a 40 year low in recorded crime reduced crime, supported by increased numbers of officers means, of course, the clear-up rate per officer are going to be lower."

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