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Week of Police Action on Uninsured Driving

Police Scotland has highlighted the need for all drivers to make sure they hold valid car insurance, as it takes part in a week of action targeting uninsured drivers in conjunction with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB).

The campaign will utilise the latest intelligence to concentrate on known hotspots and offenders, and Police Scotland warns that uninsured drivers risk the possibility of fines, points on their licence or even having their vehicles seized and crushed.

“This campaign will be delivered through a combination of mobile and static road checks, involving all Road Policing officers across Scotland with support from divisional colleagues across the entire country,” explained Chief Superintendent Andy Edmonston, Head of Road Policing for Police Scotland

"Officers will be using the latest intelligence to target potential uninsured drivers and hotspots, and by doing this we hope to minimise the inconvenience caused to the general public while maximising the effectiveness of the operation,” he said.

“We are committed to achieving the Scottish Government’s 2020 casualty reduction targets,” he concluded. “The MIB states that more than 26,000 people are injured every year by uninsured drivers, and so Police Scotland will continue to target uninsured drivers, as they present an unnecessary risk to other road users.”

“There are thousands of uninsured vehicles in Scotland, with officers from across Scotland seizing in excess of 8,000 vehicles during 2016 through their partnership approach with MIB,” added Neil Drane, Head of Enforcement Services at MIB. “This is a considerable increase on the number of vehicles seized in 2015 and shows our determination to stop those drivers using uninsured vehicles and remove their vehicles from the roads.”

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