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Survey Finds Lack of Awareness of Penalties for Illegal Mobile Phone Use

A new study by the RAC has found that more than a year on from the introduction of tougher penalties for using a handheld phone at the wheel, nearly two-thirds of drivers (64%) remain unaware what the consequences of breaking the 15 year-old law are. 

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Brexit Poses Challenges to Cross-Border Crime Co-operation

A new paper has highlighted the possible “complex and far-reaching” challenges that Scotland’s police and prosecutors could be presented with when tackling cross-border crime after Brexit.

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Hate Crime in Scotland

The Crown Office has published a report on Hate Crime, which reveals the level of crime recorded in 2017-18 relating to race crime, and on crime motivated by prejudice related to religion, disability, sexual orientation and transgender identity.

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Warning Over Risks Associated With Acting as a Money Mule

Anti-fraud body Financial Fraud Action UK  has issued a warning on the risks associated with acting as a money mule for fraudsters after a 26-year-old man was sentenced to a 12-month community order and 280 hours of unpaid work.

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Rise in Violent and Sexual Crimes Reported in Scotland

According to figures published in The Scotsman, crime in Scotland is on the rise, with more violent and sexual offences reported to the authorities than last year. The data from Police Scotland shows a 1.7% rise in the total number of crimes committed from the beginning of April 2017 to the end of March 2018 compared with the same period in 2016/17.

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NCA Identifies Key Crime Threats Facing the UK

The National Crime Agency (NCA) recently published its National Strategic Assessment (NSA) for 2018, which contains an analysis of serious and organised crime threats facing the country.

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DNA Breakthrough to Aid Wildlife Crime Investigation

New research into retrieving human DNA found at the scene could be used to support wildlife crime investigations, even days after the incident has taken place, the Scottish Government has announced. 

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First Year Trainee Vacancy

We have a vacancy for a first year trainee in our Dunfermline office commencing summer 2018. If you wish to apply please email a copy of your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Research Reveals Rise in Road Traffic Offence Convictions

Interesting new research by IAM RoadSmart has revealed an increase in the number of convictions for road traffic offences in England and Wales over the past three years.

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Threat of Criminal Gangs in Scotland Increased

A National Crime Agency (NCA) report has found that criminal groups in central Scotland are contributing to “ongoing feuds, violence and firearms”. The National Strategic Assessment of Serious Organised Crime of 2018 found that 164 known organised crime groups (OCGs), which have over 3,000 members, are currently under investigation by police in Scotland. Despite the decrease in the number of offenders in the country, according to the NCA, the threat criminals pose is getting worse.

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Cyber Crime Website Shut Down Following International Operation

An international law enforcement operation, led by the National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Dutch National Police, has led to the shutdown of a website linked to more than four million cyber attacks across the globe, including attacks targeting some of the UK’s biggest banks.

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Reports Reveal Continued Focus on Fraud Reduction

A recent report from the Dedicated Card and Payment Crime Unit (DCPCU) has given an interesting insight into the unit’s operations during 2017.

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New Measures to Combat Domestic Abuse

The Scottish Government recently announced that an initiative to combat domestic abuse is to be made available to local authorities across the country.

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Crackdown on Dark Web Criminal Activity

The UK Government has announced that funding of £9 million will be used to bolster law enforcement’s ability to tackle those who use the anonymity of the internet for illegal activities such as the selling of firearms, drugs, malware and people.

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Drug Seizures in Scotland

A recent publication from Scotland’s Chief Statistician has given an interesting insight into the types of drug seizures made by the police in Scotland and the characteristics of those found in possession of drugs. 

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Tackling Fraud in Financial Services

A new report from UK Finance has given an interesting insight into the extent of fraud in financial services and the sector’s efforts to prevent the crime occurring.

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Changes to Police Powers of Arrest and Detention

In January this year, new measures contained within the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 came into force in Scotland relating to the arrest and questioning of suspects.

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Prison Sentence for Drugs Offences

A man from Clydebank has been sentenced to five years and three months in jail after pleading guilty to smuggling cocaine worth more than £100,000 into the UK. 

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Tougher Penalties for Illegal Mobile Phone Use Have Impacted on Driver Behaviour

New research has suggested that the introduction of tougher penalties for illegal mobile phone use while driving has led to a drop in the number of people committing this offence. 

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Eight per cent drop in Scottish crime last year

The bulletin for Criminal Proceedings in Scotland for 2016-2017 presents figures which show that there has been an 8 per cent decrease in crime figures over the last year. This figure applied both to those who were proceeded against in court (107,338), and those who were subsequently convicted (92,334).

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